Saturday, 26 March 2011

Song Of The Day 26/03/2011: MInutemen - My Heart and the Real World

Continuing my "fight" against the twee orthodoxy on thepunchtable, here's some first-wave American post-punk (or post-hardcore or whatever you want to call it). Minutemen are an absolutely unique-sounding band, fusing punk attitude, political sloganeering and guitars that sometimes recall funk as much as they do conventional hardcore. They also always worked with impressively DIY ethics, which I suppose we can all aspire to. I've been re-reading Azerrad's great book "Our Band Could Be Your Life" recently (itself named after a Minutemen lyric), and the chapter on Minutemen's really good. Maybe tonight I'll watch the Minutemen documentary on DVD.

This song's off the classic Double Nickels on the Dime, and doesn't really need too much explanation. The way D. Boon comes in with the lyrics, subverting the stupidly catchy pop riffs with jammed-in words, is pretty much textbook Minutemen and pretty much perfect.

There's a good video someone made using this song on Youtube, which shows a guy eating a sandwich with relish (i.e. enthusiastically. I don't know if the sandwich has relish in it).

Minutemen - My Heart and the Real World

1 comment:

  1. Although looking at it Toby hasn't really posted any twee in a while.

    Which I suppose means I'm winning.
