I'm not sure why, but I overlooked Woods when they first started getting attention a few years ago. I didn't eventually get round to really listening properly until their last album, At Echo lake, released last year. A huge error. Woods got lumped in with the lo-fi scene, but I'm not sure that's fair: rather than pop cloaked in layers of fuzz which was the stock-in-trade of Times New Viking etc., Woods' aesthetic is more mysterious, folky pop songs which just happen to be recorded in bedrooms rather than studios. It's a good match though: the tape sounds and strange noises which hover over some of their songs really give Woods a unique sound, dark and intimate (and utterly suited to their band name).
This song's the opener from the last record, and showcases the band in fine form. I saw them last week and the comparison really struck me with The Band from around the Basement Tapes era: the frantic guitar solos on this could easily have been played by Robbie Robertson, and the high falsetto is almost Richard Manuel-esque. There's also the sweet and summery harmony vocals. I'll probably review the gig pretty soon (when I get around to writing it up) so watch out for that. I hear that Woods (whose work-ethic is admirable) have another new album on the cards for the not-too-distant future as well.
Woods - Blood Dries Darker
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