Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Song Of The Day 08/03/2011: Help Stamp Out Loneliness - Torvill & Dean

Help Stamp Out Loneliness' debut album has been a long time coming, with them not having released any new tracks at all since I first saw them back in Summer 2009, but apparently they were selling copies of it at the London Popfest last week (although I couldn't go, due to being too slow at buying tickets). They're also gradually working their way through all of the tracks on their BandCamp. It's shaping up to be a classic. They offer something vastly different to most bands in the indiepop scene, in that their lead singer, D. Lucille Campbell, sounds more like Nico than anything remotely C86y. I know this comparison has been made a thousand times before, but it really is applicable.

This track was one of their first singles, released a couple of years ago. I have to say I don't really understand the title - any figure skating references must be oblique at best, and I haven't detected any. Lyrically, it's a regret-tinged love song. Musically is where it really shines, with the opening jangley chords setting the scene perfectly.

Help Stamp Out Loneliness – Torvill and Dean

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