Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Song Of The Day 13/04/2011: Smith Westerns - Dance Away

I saw the Smith Westerns live at Cargo on Monday night. It was a really good gig, reinforcing my opinion of their second album, 'Dye It Blonde' - it really has got some absolutely amazing songs on, although I'm not sure how long-lasting it will be. For the moment, though, it's in heavy rotation on my stereo. This song was actually one of the few songs on the album not to be played, but is probably my favourite, with a barnstorming slightly syncopated chorus and joyful, driving guitar part. It's a good marker of what the band are currently capable of, and is a great introduction to what they're about.

The gig was slightly odd - there was very little actual music played. Only one support band (perennial support act to American indie bands in London, the fine-but-distinctly-unexciting Spectrals) and a short set with no encore - the gig was done and dusted well before 10pm, with no real explanation. The crowd was incredibly vocal and enthusiastic between songs, but barely moved a muscle during the actual music - surprising for a band that, on record, have as much energy as Titus Andronicus, who give some of the most physical gigs I've ever been to.

Smith Westerns - Dance Away

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