Monday, 16 May 2011

Song Of The Day 16/05/2011: Jupiter Sun - Violet Intertwine

I first came across Jupiter Sun on the excellent 1994 Slumberland compilation 'Why Popstars Can't Dance' (which is well worth a purchase if you ever see it on sale - I'm pretty sure it's well out of print, but there were a couple of copies in the Notting Hill Music & Video Exchange last time I was in there). They're very distinctively a Slumberland band, but have a slight rocky edge to some of their songs that is all too infrequent in releases by the label. Some of their less indiepop stuff even verges on American Football-esque twinkle. They inhabit the territory somewhere between Rocketship and Palaxy Tracks, which is a very nice place to be. A few too many guitar solos and a slight lack of much rhythmic diversity between songs stop the record this song is taken from, 'Atmosphere', being a truly stellar release, but there are some absolute corkers on it.

This song, however, isn't very much like anything else on the record. It sounds straight out of the late 1980s - very indiepop, but with a guitar part that sounds almost Stone Roses-y. Terrible title, but we can forgive it that.

Jupiter Sun - Violet Intertwine

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